1 Introduction to coding software 2 Working with Arduino,Pin Configuration,LED,RBG led&buzzer 3 Working with Potentiometer(SERIAL DATA & RGB COLOR CHANGING WITH POTENTIOMETER) 4 Working with Motion Sensor(ACTIVATING BUZZER WITH PIR SENSOR) 5 Working with Ultrasonic Sensor(DISTANCE METER, RGB CONTROL) 6 Motor driver and DC motors(CONTROLLING DIRECTION OF MOTORS,SPEED REDUCING BY POTENTIOMETER 7 Working with Temperature and Humidity Sensor(TEMAPARATURE CONTROLL WITH DC MOTOR AND DHT) 8 Introduction to Servo motor(ROTATING IN MULTIPLE ANGLES) 9 Displaying Sensor data on LCD Screen(PRINTING DATA OF SENSORS AND OWN TEXT ON LCD) 10 Led Brightness control and speed control of a dc motor with the help of POTENTIOMETER